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Docusaurus 2.1

· 2 minutes de lecture
Sébastien Lorber
Mainteneur de Docusaurus, rédacteur de This Week In React

We are happy to announce Docusaurus 2.1, our very first minor version release.

La mise à jour devrait être facile : comme expliqué dans notre documentation du processus de publication, les versions mineures respectent le versionnage sémantique.

Docusaurus 2.1 social card

Points importants

Améliorations de DocCardList

In #8008, we simplified the usage of the<DocCardList> component, that is notably used on sidebar category generated index pages.

The items prop is now optional, and will be automatically inferred from the content of the parent sidebar category:

import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
- import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';

- <DocCardList items={useCurrentSidebarCategory().items}/>
+ <DocCardList/>

De plus, nous avons fait en sorte qu'il soit possible de l'utiliser sur n'importe quel document, y compris les documents ordinaires non liés à une catégorie de la barre latérale.

simplified DocCardList component

noindex improvements

We improved the support of the noindex meta robots directive, a way to signal search engines you don't want a specific page to be indexed.

In #7963, we allow noindex to be configured on a per-docs-version basis.

Use the following plugin options to tell crawlers you don't want the 1.0.0 version to be indexed:

const options = {
versions: {
'1.0.0': {
noIndex: true,

En pratique, Docusaurus ajoutera la méta suivante à chaque page de cette version :

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

In #7964, we also fixed a bug where the sitemap plugin would still contain pages that have a noindex directive. Now the sitemap plugin will reliably filter out all the pages containing noindex directives.

Remplacement des balises méta par défaut

In #7952, it becomes possible to override default html meta tags you couldn't before:

{siteConfig.noIndex && <meta name="robots" content="nofollow, noindex" />}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

It is now possible to use <Head> or themeConfig.metadata:

  • to override the viewport meta
  • to override the robots meta: you could mark your site as noIndex, but except for specific pages that should be indexed

Traductions ukrainiennes

In #7953, we added default classic theme translations for the Ukrainian language.

Autres modifications

Check the 2.1.0 changelog entry for an exhaustive list of changes.