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3개 포스트 tagged with "Recap"

Blog posts about Docusaurus' year recaps

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도큐사우루스 2021년 회고

· 10분 읽기 분량
조슈아 첸(Joshua Chen)
도큐사우루스에 헌신하고 있습니다.

도큐사우루스는 2021년에도 엄청난 일들을 해냈습니다! We've seen a lot of traction and just crossed 30k stars on GitHub!

We've reached full feature parity with v1 after the release of internationalization, announced our first beta, and welcomed significantly more users this year.

The official v2 release is just around the corner! Follow the roadmap issue for any latest news.

도큐사우루스 2020 요약

· 7분 읽기 분량
세바스티앵 로버(Sébastien Lorber)
Docusaurus maintainer, This Week In React editor

2020 was great for Docusaurus, despite a regrettable start and a tumultuous year for everyone.

We continued to invest in Docusaurus 2, and made it reach full feature parity with Docusaurus 1.

We now recommend Docusaurus 2 as the default choice to start a new Docusaurus project and encourage v1 users to migrate to Docusaurus 2.

We are still in alpha, but expect some good news very soon!

Three Docusaurus plushies laid side-by-side on the table