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Docusaurus 3.5

· 5분 읽기 분량
세바스티앵 로버(Sébastien Lorber)
Docusaurus maintainer, This Week In React editor

We are happy to announce Docusaurus 3.5.

This release contains many new exciting blog features.

Upgrading should be easy. Our release process respects Semantic Versioning. Minor versions do not include any breaking changes.

Docusaurus blog post social card

새로 추가된 기능

Blog Social Icons

In #10222, we added the possibility to associate social links to blog authors, for inline authors declared in front matter or global through the authors.yml file.

name: Sébastien Lorber
# other author properties...
x: sebastienlorber
linkedin: sebastienlorber
github: slorber
newsletter: https://thisweekinreact.com

Author socials screenshot displaying `slorber` author with 4 social platform icons

Icons and handle shortcuts are provided for pre-defined platforms x, linkedin, github and stackoverflow. It's possible to provide any additional platform entry (like newsletter in the example above) with a full URL.

Blog Authors Pages

In #10216, we added the possibility for global blog authors (declared in authors.yml) to have their own dedicated page listing all the blog posts they contributed to.

This feature is opt-in and mostly relevant for multi-author blogs. You can turn it on for a specific author by setting the page: true property:

name: Sébastien Lorber
# the description will be displayed on the author's page
description: 'A freelance React and React-Native developer...'
page: true # Turns the feature on

This creates a dedicated author page at /blog/authors/slorber.

Author page screenshot for `slorber` global author

An authors index page is also created, listing all the blog authors.

Author index page listing multiple authors

Check the blog authors pages guide for details.

Blog Feeds Styling

In #9252, we added support for styling your blog feeds by providing custom XSLT .xls files for the RSS and Atom feeds. This allows browsers to render the feeds in a more visually appealing way, like a regular HTML page, instead of the default XML view.

const blogOptions = {
feedOptions: {
xslt: {
rss: 'custom-rss.xsl',
atom: 'custom-atom.xsl',

Writing your own XSLT can be complex, but you can also use xslt: true to turn on the built-in style:

const blogOptions = {
feedOptions: {
xslt: true,

Screenshot of the Docusaurus blog RSS feed, beautifully styled

Blog Sidebar Grouping

In #10252, we added support for grouping blog posts by years in the blog sidebar.

Screenshot of the Docusaurus blog, in particular the sidebar items grouped by year

This feature is now turned on by default, but can be disabled with themeConfig.blog.sidebar.groupByYear: false.

Blog Consistency Options

We added new blog options to enforce recommended practices for your blog posts:


We believe large multi-blogs are easier to manage by using global authors, declared in authors.yml. This notably permits to avoids duplicating author information across multiple blog posts, and now permits to generate author pages.

In #10224, we added the onInlineAuthors option. Use onInlineAuthors: 'throw' to forbid inline authors, and enforce a consistent usage of global authors.


We believe blog posts are better using truncation markers (`