Upgrading to Docusaurus v3
This documentation will help you upgrade your site from Docusaurus v2 to Docusaurus v3.
Docusaurus v3 is a new major version, including breaking changes requiring you to adjust your site accordingly. We will guide to during this process, and also mention a few optional recommendations.
This is not a full rewrite, and the breaking changes are relatively easy to handle. The simplest sites will eventually upgrade by simply updating their npm dependencies.
The main breaking change is the upgrade from MDX v1 to MDX v3. Read the MDX v2 and MDX v3 release notes for details. MDX will now compile your Markdown content more strictly and with subtle differences.
Before upgrading, we recommend preparing your site for Docusaurus v3. There are changes that you can already handle incrementally, under Docusaurus v2. Doing so will help reduce the work needed to finally upgrade to Docusaurus v3.
For complex sites, we also recommend to set up visual regression tests, a good way to ensure your site stays visually identical. Docusaurus v3 mainly upgrades dependencies, and is not expected to produce any visual changes.
Check the release notes for Docusaurus v3.0.0, and browse the pull-requests for additional useful information and the motivation behind each change mentioned here.
Upgrading Dependencies
Upgrading to Docusaurus v3 requires upgrading core Docusaurus dependencies (@docusaurus/name
), but also other related packages.
Docusaurus v3 now uses the following dependencies:
- Node.js v18.0+
- React v18.0+
- MDX v3.0+
- TypeScript v5.1+
- prism-react-renderer v2.0+
- react-live v4.0+
- remark-emoji v4.0+
- mermaid v10.4+
If your site uses third-party community plugins and themes, you might need to upgrade them.
Make sure those plugins are compatible with Docusaurus v3 before attempting an upgrade.
A typical package.json
dependency upgrade example:
"dependencies": {
// upgrade to Docusaurus v3
- "@docusaurus/core": "2.4.3",
- "@docusaurus/preset-classic": "2.4.3",
+ "@docusaurus/core": "3.0.0",
+ "@docusaurus/preset-classic": "3.0.0",
// upgrade to MDX v3
- "@mdx-js/react": "^1.6.22",
+ "@mdx-js/react": "^3.0.0",
// upgrade to prism-react-renderer v2.0+
- "prism-react-renderer": "^1.3.5",
+ "prism-react-renderer": "^2.1.0",
// upgrade to React v18.0+
- "react": "^17.0.2",
- "react-dom": "^17.0.2"
+ "react": "^18.2.0",
+ "react-dom": "^18.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
// upgrade Docusaurus dev dependencies to v3
- "@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "2.4.3",
- "@docusaurus/types": "2.4.3"
+ "@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "3.0.0",
+ "@docusaurus/types": "3.0.0"
"engines": {
// require Node.js 18.0+
- "node": ">=16.14"
+ "node": ">=18.0"
For TypeScript users:
"devDependencies": {
// swap the external TypeScript config package for the new official one
- "@tsconfig/docusaurus": "^1.0.7",
+ "@docusaurus/tsconfig": "3.0.0",
// upgrade React types to v18.0+
- "@types/react": "^17.0.69",
+ "@types/react": "^18.2.29",
// upgrade TypeScript to v5.1+
- "typescript": "~4.7.4"
+ "typescript": "~5.2.2"
Upgrading MDX
MDX is a major dependency of Docusaurus responsible for compiling your .md
and .mdx
files to React components.
The transition from MDX v1 to MDX v3 is the main challenge to the adoption of Docusaurus v3. Most breaking changes come from MDX v2, and MDX v3 is a relatively small release.
Some documents that compiled successfully under Docusaurus v2 might now fail to compile under Docusaurus v3.
Run npx docusaurus-mdx-checker
on your site to get a list of files that will now fail to compile under Docusaurus v3.
This command is also a good way to estimate the amount of work to be done to make your content compatible. Remember most of this work can be executed ahead of the upgrade by preparing your content for Docusaurus v3.
Other documents might also render differently.
For large sites where a manual review of all pages is complicated, we recommend you to setup visual regression tests.
Upgrading MDX comes with all the breaking changes documented on the MDX v2 and MDX v3 release blog posts. Most breaking changes come from MDX v2, and MDX v3 is a relatively small release. The MDX v2 migration guide has a section on how to update MDX files that will be particularly relevant to us. Also make sure to read the Troubleshooting MDX page that can help you interpret common MDX error messages.
Make sure to also read our updated MDX and React documentation page.
Using the MDX playground
The MDX playground is your new best friend. It permits to understand how your content is compiled to React components, and troubleshoot compilation or rendering issues in isolation.
Configuring the MDX playground options for Docusaurus
To obtain a compilation behavior similar to what Docusaurus v2 uses, please turn on these options on the MDX playground:
- Use
- Use
- Use
Using the two MDX playgrounds side-by-side, you will soon notice that some content is compiled differently or fails to compile in v2.
The goal will be to refactor your problematic content so that it works fine with both versions of MDX. This way, when you upgrade to Docusaurus v3, this content will already work out-of-the-box.
Using the MDX checker CLI
We provide a docusaurus-mdx-checker CLI that permits to easily spot problematic content. Run this command on your site to obtain a list of files that will fail to compile under MDX v3.
npx docusaurus-mdx-checker
For each compilation issue, the CLI will log the file path and a line number to look at.
Use this CLI to estimate of how much work will be required to make your content compatible with MDX v3.
This CLI is a best effort, and will only report compilation errors.
It will not report subtle compilation changes that do not produce errors but can affect how your content is displayed. To catch these problems, we recommend using visual regression tests.
Common MDX problems
Docusaurus cannot document exhaustively all the changes coming with MDX. That's the responsibility of the MDX v2 and MDX v3 migration guides.
However, by upgrading a few Docusaurus sites, we noticed that most of the issues come down to only a few cases that we have documented for you.
Bad usage of {
The {
character is used for opening JavaScript expressions. MDX will now fail if what you put inside {expression}
is not a valid expression.
The object shape looks like {username: string, age: number}
Could not parse expression with acorn: Unexpected content after expression
Available options to fix this error:
- Use inline code:
{username: string, age: number}
- Use the HTML code:
- Escape it:
Bad usage of <
The <
character is used for opening JSX tags. MDX will now fail if it thinks your JSX is invalid.
Use Android version <5
You can use a generic type like Array<T>
Follow the template "Road to <YOUR_MINOR_VERSION>"
Unexpected character
(U+0035) before name, expected a character that can start a name, such as a letter,$
, or_
Expected a closing tag for
(1:6-1:9) before the end ofparagraph
end-tag-mismatch mdast-util-mdx-jsxExpected a closing tag for
(134:19-134:39) before the end ofparagraph
Available options to fix this error:
- Use inline code:
- Use the HTML code:
- Escape it:
Bad usage of GFM Autolink
Docusaurus supports GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM), but autolink using the <link>
syntax is not supported anymore by MDX.
<[email protected]>
Unexpected character
(U+0040) in name, expected a name character such as letters, digits,$
, or_
; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag (note: to create a link in MDX, use[text](url)
)Unexpected character
(U+002F) before local name, expected a character that can start a name, such as a letter,$
, or_
(note: to create a link in MDX, use[text](url)
Use regular Markdown links, or remove the <
and >
. MDX and GFM are able to autolink literals already.
[email protected]
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Lower-case MDXComponent mapping
For users providing a custom MDXComponent
mapping, components are now "sandboxed":
- a
mapping forh1
only gets used for# hi
but not for<h1>hi</h1>
- a lower-cased custom element name will not be substituted by its respective
component anymore
Your MDXComponent
component mapping might not be applied as before, and your custom components might no longer be used.
For native Markdown elements, you can keep using lower-case: p
, h1
, img
, a
For any other element, use upper-case names.
import MDXComponents from '@theme-original/MDXComponents';
export default {
p: (props) => <p {...props} className="my-paragraph"/>
- myElement: (props) => <div {...props} className="my-class" />,
+ MyElement: (props) => <div {...props} className="my-class" />,
Unintended extra paragraphs
In MDX v3, it is now possible to interleave JSX and Markdown more easily without requiring extra line breaks. Writing content on multiple lines can also produce new expected <p>
See how this content is rendered differently by MDX v1 and v3.
<div>Some **Markdown** content</div>
Some **Markdown** content
<div>Some **Markdown** content</div>
<div>Some **Markdown** content</div>
<div>Some <strong>Markdown</strong> content</div>
<div><p>Some <strong>Markdown</strong> content</p></div>
If you don't want an extra <p>
tag, refactor content on a case by case basis to use a single-line JSX tag.
<img src="/img/myImage.png" alt="My alt" />
- <figcaption>
- My image caption
- </figcaption>
+ <figcaption>My image caption</figcaption>
You can also wrap such content with {
and }
to avoid extra <p>
tags if you don't intend to use Markdown syntax there yet.
<img src="/img/myImage.png" alt="My alt" />
My image caption
Unintended usage of directives
Docusaurus v3 now uses Markdown Directives (implemented with remark-directive) as a generic way to provide support for admonitions, and other upcoming Docusaurus features.
This is a :textDirective
Container directive content
Directives are parsed with the purpose of being handled by other Remark plugins. Unhandled directives will be ignored, and won't be rendered back in their original form.
The AWS re:Invent conf is great
Due to :Invent
being parsed as a text directive, this will now be rendered as:
The AWS re
conf is great
- Use the HTML code:
- Add a space after
(if it makes sense):: text
- Escape it:
Unsupported indented code blocks
MDX does not transform indented text as code blocks anymore.