由 MDX 驱动
节约时间并专注于文档本身。只需要以 Markdown/MDX 格式撰写文档/博客,Docusaurus 就能自动构建生成静态 HTML 文件。通过 MDX,甚至可以在 Markdown 中嵌入 React 组件。
使用 React 构建
通过编写 React 组件来扩展和自定义你的网页布局。利用插件架构,你可以在设计自己的网站的同时,复用 Docusaurus 插件所创建的数据。
开箱即用的本地化。使用 git、Crowdin 或任何其他翻译管理器来翻译你的文档并单独部署。
为你的用户提供所有版本的项目文档。版本化文档可让你的文档发布 与项目发行时间保持一致。
让你的社区在文档中轻松找到他们需要的内容。我们支持 Algolia 文档搜索。
Mark Erikson@acemarke
We've been using Docusaurus for all the Redux org docs sites for the last couple years, and it's great! We've been able to focus on content, customize some presentation and features, and It Just Works.
We've been using V2 since January and it has been great - we spend less time building documentation and more time building 🛳
Thanks @docusaurus team 🦖
Thanks @docusaurus team 🦖
The #IOTA wiki is now part of the @docusaurus showcase. We even have the honor of being a favorite. We are really happy that we found this project. It helped us a lot to improve the documentation. And we still have a lot of plans with things like tutorials, versioning and i8n.
I've used Docusaurus for two websites this year, and I've been very happy about the v2. Looks good, and simple to setup.
Paul Armstrong@paularmstrong
Continue to be impressed and excited about Docusaurus v2 alpha releases. Already using the sidebar items generator to help monorepo workspace devs create their own doc pages without any configuration needed.
Kent C. Dodds@kentcdodds
http://testing-library.com just got a nice update! We're now on the latest version of @docusaurus thanks to @matanbobi, @TensorNo, and @nickemccurdy 💙
My favorite new feature: dark mode!! 🌑/☀️
My favorite new feature: dark mode!! 🌑/☀️
Max Lynch@maxlynch
Docusaurus v2 doubles as a really nice little static site generator tool for content-focused sites, love it 👏
Debbie O'Brien@debs_obrien
Been doing a lot of work with @docusaurus lately and I have to say it is really fun to work with. A lot of really cool features. I love that you can easily reuse content by creating a markdown file and importing it as a component. 🔥
Happy to share Temporal's first open source sponsorship — of @docusaurus!
@temporalio uses it for http://docs.temporal.io, and it has been a huge boon to our docs team. @sebastienlorber is an incredible steward of the project, support it if you can!
@temporalio uses it for http://docs.temporal.io, and it has been a huge boon to our docs team. @sebastienlorber is an incredible steward of the project, support it if you can!
Christopher "vjeux" Chedeau
Prettier 首席开发者我为 Facebook 所贡献的每个开源项目都需要一个网站,且它们都有相同的限制:文档使用 Markdown 编写并部署在 GitHub Pages 上。我太感谢 Docusaurus 让我不用每周重复造轮子了。
Hector Ramos
React Native 大使迁移到 Docusaurus 后,React Native 的开源贡献数量直线上升。现在的文档托管于一个小仓库上,仅包含纯 Markdown 内容,完全没有其他的静态网页生成器那么麻烦!感谢 Slash!
Ricky Vetter
ReasonReact 开发者Docusaurus 一直都是 ReasonML 项目组的首选。它能保证我们的文档连贯一致、易于国际化与维护,且对新贡献者友好。