
Docusaurus 3.7

· 阅读需 3 分钟
Sébastien Lorber
Docusaurus 维护者、React 周刊编者

我们很高兴地宣布 Docusaurus 3.7 现已发布。

Docusaurus 现已完全兼容 React 19

Upgrading should be easy. Our release process respects Semantic Versioning. Minor versions do not include any breaking changes.

Docusaurus blog post social card


React 19

In #10763, we added support for React 19, and the Docusaurus website is running on React 19 already.

From now on, all newly initialized sites will run on React 19 by default, and React 19 will be the minimum required version Docusaurus v4.

However, React 18 remains supported, and existing Docusaurus sites can either choose to stay on React 18, or upgrade their dependencies to React 19:

"name": "my-docusaurus-site",
"dependencies": {
- "react": "^18.0.0",
- "react-dom": "^18.0.0"
+ "react": "^19.0.0",
+ "react-dom": "^19.0.0"


React 19 要比 React 18重一点。 由于我们支持这两种版本,我们还不会对 React19 独有的功能施加影响。

然而,可以升级到 React 19 准备你的 Docusaurus v4 站点,将来可能会逐步减少 React 18 的支持。

以下是在 Docusaurus v4 之前升级您的网站的良好理由:

  • You have custom React code and want to ensure it is ready for React19
  • 您计划在自己的代码中利用新的 React 19 的特性
  • 您使用自定义或第三方插件,并且想要确保它们的兼容性
  • You have a monorepo and want to align the React dependency to v19 for all packages

Along the way, we fixed all the remaining hydration errors reported by React 19, some of them produced by our aggressive HTML minifier settings.


Docusaurus has built-in support for SVGR, allowing you to seamlessly import and use SVG files as React components:

import DocusaurusSvg from './docusaurus.svg';

<DocusaurusSvg />;

This built-in support has been the source of various bug reports due to the inability to customize the SVGR Options, in particular the SVG Optimizer options.

In #10677, we extracted a new @docusaurus/plugin-svgr that you can now configure according to your needs. 默认情况下它包含在我们经典预设中:

export default {
presets: [
svgr: {
svgrConfig: {
// 您的 SVGR 选项...
svgoConfig: {
// 您的 SVGO 选项...
// Use "svgoConfig: undefined" to use a svgo.config.js file


Other notable changes include:

  • #10768: Blog authors have built-in icons for social platforms bluesky, mastodon, threads, twitch, youtube, instagram.
  • #10729: Blog now supports frontMatter.sidebar_label
  • #10803: @docusaurus/remark-plugin-npm2yarn 现在支持 Bun 转换
  • #10672:将 Algolia DocSearch 升级到 algoliasearch v5
  • #10800: Docusaurus Faster turns Rspack incremental mode on by default.
  • #10783:改进荷兰语的主题翻译
  • #10760:改进韩文的主题翻译

查看 3.7.0 changelog entry 以获取更详细的变更列表

Docusaurus 3.6

· 阅读需 10 分钟
Sébastien Lorber
Docusaurus 维护者、React 周刊编者

我们很高兴地宣布 Docusaurus 3.6 现已发布。

Docusaurus 现在可以⚡️⚡️⚡️: 更快的 构建你的网站。

Upgrading should be easy. Our release process respects Semantic Versioning. Minor versions do not include any breaking changes.

Docusaurus blog post social card


该版本主要专注于通过 Docusaurus Faster 项目构建性能。

Docusaurus Faster

Docusaurus Faster项目的目标是减少构建时间和内存消耗。


  • 🦀 Rspack: 基于Rust的快速网页打包工具, 几乎是可以作为 webpack的完全替代品
  • 🦀 SWC: 快速的网页编辑器,基于Rust的网页平台(HTML, CS, JS)
  • 🦀 Lightning CSS: 一个极为快速的 CSS 解析器、翻译器、打包工具和压缩器。


采用新的基础设施可能会产生各种影响。 由于不可能将所有问题全部列举出来,因此我们将重点关注主要的几个。

为了帮助您轻松地使用它,我们在预期的静态站点输出和浏览器支持 方面相当保守。


社区网站上的基准测试显示,您可以期待您的生产网站构建速度 ⚡️ 提高 2 到 4 倍! 🔥:



Rspack 目前尚不支持持久缓存,但它在开发路线图上,预计很快会实现。 我们认为,这对 Rspack 的采用并不是一个问题,因为冷启动的 Rspack 构建通常与使用持久缓存的热 Webpack 构建一样快。



  • 新基础设施消耗总内存减少
  • 我们修复了一个重要的内存泄漏,它特别影响到i18n 站点
  • 我们添加了CI检查,以确保我们不会出现回归问题,并且我们的站点和初始化模版都能在内存受限的环境中构建。
  • 我们添加了内部工具以更好地理解构建的哪一步消耗内存
  • 我们移除了一个 process.exit(0),该代码可能会掩盖您自己代码和第三方插件中的内存泄漏问题。




在使用 Docusaurus 更快之前,添加这个新包:

npm install @docusaurus/faster

为了帮助您在 在Docusaurus v3中逐步采用它,我们引入了一组可以逐步激活的功能标志。


const config = {
future: {
experimental_faster: true,


const config = {
future: {
experimental_faster: {
swcJsLoader: true,
swcJsMinimizer: true,
swcHtmlMinimizer: true,
lightningCssMinimizer: true,
rspackBundler: true,
mdxCrossCompilerCache: true,

不要害怕打开此功能。 配置选项是实验性的。

新的基础设施是牢固的,我们的综合基础设施管道对其进行了很好的考验。 Docusaurus网站已经在生产中使用了它,我们也计划在其他Meta文档网站上使用它。


新的基础设施使用 Rspack。 碰巧的是,Rspack 与 webpack 几乎 100% 兼容,并且 Rspack 不会破坏我们的插件生态系统。

大多数Docusaurus插件都应该可以与Rspack开箱即用,即使是那些实现了configureWebpack 的插件。

然而,其中有些需要做小的修改,以使其与Rspack兼容。 一般的想法是避免直接导入 webpack ,而是使用 "动态提供" webpack 实例:

-import webpack from 'webpack';

export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'custom-docusaurus-plugin',
- configureWebpack(config, isServer) {
+ configureWebpack(config, isServer, {currentBundler}) {
return {
plugins: [
- new webpack.DefinePlugin({}),
+ new currentBundler.instance.DefinePlugin({}),



这是一个开端:我们将继续开发Docusaurus Faster项目,并且已经计划了一些更多的性能改进。

取决于您的反馈, 我们计划在即将到来的主要版本Docusaurus中将此新基础设施设置为默认。

🙏 我们感谢所有这些伟大工具的作者,这些工具已经帮助我们使Docusaurus比以前快得多。 特别感谢 Rspack 团队 在整个过程中对我们的支持,他们迅速处理了我们的反馈,并现了我们所需的所有缺失功能,使这一切得以顺利进行。 👏

Rsdoctor 插件

#10588中, 我们创建了一个 Rsdoctor的Docusaurus插件. 它分析了 Docusaurus 的打包阶段,帮助你找出在加载器、插件和压缩器方面导致打包速度变慢的原因。 它同时适用于webpack 和 Rspack。


要使用它,请安装新的 @docusaurus/plugin-rsdoctor 包,然后在你的配置中使用插件:

export default {
plugins: [
/* options */


export default {
plugins: [
process.env.RSDOCTOR === 'true' && [
/* options */
# Build without Rsdoctor
npm run build

# Build with Rsdoctor
RSDOCTOR=true npm run build


#10510 中,我们放宽了我们的 Mermaid diagrams 依赖范围以允许较新的主要版本的Mermaid。 我们现在支持 Mermaid 10 和 11,并预计即将发布的版本也将兼容,让您可以根据自己的需求进行升级。

解锁了新的图表类型,例如 架构图


  • 🇸🇮 #10551: 改进斯洛文尼亚语翻译。
  • :越南:#10507:改进越南主题翻译。
  • 🇪🇸 #10413: 改进西班牙语主题的翻译。


Other notable changes include:

  • #10586: 博客支持 frontMatter.title_meta 以基于SEO 的理由覆盖 frontMatter.title
  • #10600: docusaurus build and docusaurus depl 现在支持多个--locale CLI args.
  • #10454: docusaurus-mot-plugin-npm2yarn 升级到 [npmto-yarn v3](https://github.com/nebrelbug/npm-to yarn/releases/tag/v3.0.0.0) 并可以转换 npx 命令。
  • #10612:Canary releases will used 3.5.2-canary-<number> 而不是0.0.0-canary-<number> for respect plugins peerDependency
  • #10547: @docusaurus/tsconfig 升级到 `target: 'es2022'
  • #10514:从Docusaurus init 模板中删除babel.config.js,以阻止定制Babel。

查看 3.6.0 changelog entry 以获取更详细的变更列表

Docusaurus 3.5

· 阅读需 4 分钟
Sébastien Lorber
Docusaurus 维护者、React 周刊编者

We are happy to announce Docusaurus 3.5.

This release contains many new exciting blog features.

Upgrading should be easy. Our release process respects Semantic Versioning. Minor versions do not include any breaking changes.

Docusaurus blog post social card


Blog Social Icons

In #10222, we added the possibility to associate social links to blog authors, for inline authors declared in front matter or global through the authors.yml file.

name: Sébastien Lorber
# other author properties...
x: sebastienlorber
linkedin: sebastienlorber
github: slorber
newsletter: https://thisweekinreact.com

Author socials screenshot displaying `slorber` author with 4 social platform icons

Icons and handle shortcuts are provided for pre-defined platforms x, linkedin, github and stackoverflow. It's possible to provide any additional platform entry (like newsletter in the example above) with a full URL.

Blog Authors Pages

In #10216, we added the possibility for global blog authors (declared in authors.yml) to have their own dedicated page listing all the blog posts they contributed to.

This feature is opt-in and mostly relevant for multi-author blogs. You can turn it on for a specific author by setting the page: true property:

name: Sébastien Lorber
# the description will be displayed on the author's page
description: 'A freelance React and React-Native developer...'
page: true # Turns the feature on

This creates a dedicated author page at /blog/authors/slorber.

Author page screenshot for `slorber` global author

An authors index page is also created, listing all the blog authors.

Author index page listing multiple authors

Check the blog authors pages guide for details.

Blog Feeds Styling

In #9252, we added support for styling your blog feeds by providing custom XSLT .xls files for the RSS and Atom feeds. This allows browsers to render the feeds in a more visually appealing way, like a regular HTML page, instead of the default XML view.

const blogOptions = {
feedOptions: {
xslt: {
rss: 'custom-rss.xsl',
atom: 'custom-atom.xsl',

Writing your own XSLT can be complex, but you can also use xslt: true to turn on the built-in style:

const blogOptions = {
feedOptions: {
xslt: true,

Screenshot of the Docusaurus blog RSS feed, beautifully styled

Blog Sidebar Grouping

In #10252, we added support for grouping blog posts by years in the blog sidebar.

Screenshot of the Docusaurus blog, in particular the sidebar items grouped by year

This feature is now turned on by default, but can be disabled with themeConfig.blog.sidebar.groupByYear: false.

Blog Consistency Options

We added new blog options to enforce recommended practices for your blog posts:


We believe large multi-blogs are easier to manage by using global authors, declared in authors.yml. This notably permits to avoids duplicating author information across multiple blog posts, and now permits to generate author pages.

In #10224, we added the onInlineAuthors option. Use onInlineAuthors: 'throw' to forbid inline authors, and enforce a consistent usage of global authors.


We believe blog posts are better using truncation markers (`