
向 Endi 致敬

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Joel Marcey
Meta 开发大使

It is with great sadness to announce that our primary external Docusaurus contributor, Endilie Yacop Sucipto (Endi to those who knew him), passed away over the weekend after an illness associated with his bout with cancer.

Endi 对此项目做出的贡献非同小可:

现在想想,我们难以置信 Endi 是如何在和病魔苦战的情况下同时为 Docusaurus 做出种种贡献的。

我们在考虑如何纪念 Endi 所做出的贡献——可能发布一些贴画——但我们也会聆听你的意见。 Leave a comment here or tweet if you have a suggestion.

没有 Endi,Docusaurus 项目永远不会像今天一样。曾与他共事的我们都深痛缅怀他。 😔

A photo from behind Endi's back, with Endi sitting on a rock cliff, facing the vast sea. His right hand forms a V pose.