Docusaurus 2 Beta 发布
After a lengthy alpha stage in order to ensure feature parity and quality, we are excited to officially release the first Docusaurus 2 beta.
With the announcement of this beta, the team is even more confident that Docusaurus 2 is ready for mainstream adoption!
使用 Docusaurus
Don't fear the beta tag!
Docusaurus 2 被广泛使用,用户数量飞增:
To get a fuller understanding of the quality of current Docusaurus 2 sites, our new showcase page allows you to filter Docusaurus sites by features, so you may get inspired by real-world production sites with a similar use-case as yours!
Don't miss our favorite sites; they all stand out with something unique:
为何 Docusaurus v2 的 Alpha 开发阶段如此之长?
It's hard to believe that the first alpha release v2.0.0-alpha.0 was 2 years ago 😳 , unusually long for a software alpha.
但因为我们对软件代码进行了大量重构,我们希望 Beta 版能更加稳定,功能也更为完善。 We are happy to say that Docusaurus 2 has reached feature parity with Docusaurus 1 with i18n, and it has been successfully adopted by many Docusaurus sites (see i18n showcase).
我们现在十分确定,Docusaurus 2 的核心功能已趋为完善,足以进入 Beta 阶段。
Beta 阶段的目标有哪些?
目前,Docusaurus 2 已趋于稳定,主要功能也已完成。Beta 版本的目标是激励新用户在生产环境中使用 Docusaurus 2、迁移剩余的 Docusaurus 1 用户至新版,随后正式废弃 Docusaurus 1。 当然,我们也会不断解决任何新问题和漏洞。
In addition, we will use the beta phase to improve our theming system.
easier to implement a custom theme, including for ourselves. We want to provide multiple official themes (including Tailwind CSS) for a long time.
safer to extend an existing theme: it can be painful to upgrade a highly customized Docusaurus site, as customizations can conflict with internal changes. 我们需要使主题功能的公开API表层更明确,并弄清楚什么是安全的自定义。
We will build a better theming infrastructure and refactor the classic theme to use it.
What's new?
- Auto-generated sidebars: no need to maintain a
file anymore! - Webpack 5 / PostCSS 8: persistent caching significantly speeds up rebuild time!
发布 2.0 正式版本!
To get there, we will continue to fix bugs and implement the most wanted features, including:
- Sidebar category index pages
- Better mobile navigation UX
- Better admonition design
- CSS-in-JS support
- Improve build time performance
- Extend Docusaurus plugins, CMS integration
- Fix trailing slashes and relative link issues
- Better compatibility with CommonMark
- Upgrade to MDX 2.0
We are inspired by the positive feedback about Docusaurus, and discover new sites online every single day.
我们对这个测试版感到非常兴奋。 我们努力提高质量和稳定性,同时继续努力提高Docusaurus的使用率。 对于那些一直在犹豫是否要将现有的Docusaurus站点迁移到Docusaurus 2的人来说,现在是升级的好时机。 当我们在这个测试版结束时弃用Docusaurus 1时,我们希望你能在最新的基础设施上运行。 请告诉我们有什么可以帮忙的。
感谢大家的阅读和整个支持Docusaurus的社区。 🤗