
Docusaurus 2020 回顾

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Sébastien Lorber
Docusaurus maintainer, This Week In React editor

2020 was great for Docusaurus, despite a regrettable start and a tumultuous year for everyone.

We continued to invest in Docusaurus 2, and made it reach full feature parity with Docusaurus 1.

We now recommend Docusaurus 2 as the default choice to start a new Docusaurus project and encourage v1 users to migrate to Docusaurus 2.

We are still in alpha, but expect some good news very soon!

Three Docusaurus plushies laid side-by-side on the table

Docusaurus 2019 回顾

· 阅读需 3 分钟
Yangshun Tay
Meta 前端工程师

2019 was a great year for Docusaurus - we've made tremendous progress on Docusaurus 2. Current Docusaurus 1 users who aren't using the translations feature can feel free to check it out and migrate to it! Otherwise we will work with you to make that happen in 2020 :)

迈向 Docusaurus 2

· 阅读需 11 分钟
Endilie Yacop Sucipto
Docusaurus 维护者

Docusaurus was officially announced over nine months ago as a way to easily build open source documentation websites. Since then, it has amassed over 8,600 GitHub Stars, and is used by many popular open source projects such as React Native, Babel, Jest, Reason and Prettier.

俗话说:“逆水行舟,不进则退”,软件也是如此。 您可能不知道,我们正规划开发下一版 Docusaurus 🎉。