📦 plugin-content-docs
Provides the Docs functionality and is the default docs plugin for Docusaurus.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
- Bun
npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
yarn add @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
pnpm add @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
bun add @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
If you use the preset @docusaurus/preset-classic
, you don't need to install this plugin as a dependency.
You can configure this plugin through the preset options.
参数 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
path | string | 'docs' | 文档内容目录的文件系统路径,相对于站点目录。 |
editUrl | string | EditUrlFunction | undefined | 编辑文档的基础 URL。 The final URL is computed by editUrl + relativeDocPath . 使用函数可以允许你更精细地控制每一个文件。 完全忽略这个变量就会禁用编辑链接。 |
editLocalizedFiles | boolean | false | 编辑 URL 会指向本地化的文件,而不是原始的未翻译文件。 Ignored when editUrl is a function. |
editCurrentVersion | boolean | false | 编辑 URL 会永远指向当前版本文档而不是历史版本。 Ignored when editUrl is a function. |
routeBasePath | string | 'docs' | 站点文档部分的 URL 前缀。 DO NOT include a trailing slash. Use / for shipping docs without base path. |
tagsBasePath | string | 'tags' | 站点标签列表部分的 URL 前缀。 It is prepended to the routeBasePath . |
include | string[] | ['**/*.{md,mdx}'] | 相对于内容路径的 glob 模式列表,匹配到的 Markdown 文件会被构建。 |
exclude | string[] | See example configuration | Glob 模式列表,匹配到的 Markdown 文件会被排除。 Serves as refinement based on the include option. |
sidebarPath | false | string | undefined | 侧边栏配置的路径。 Use false to disable sidebars, or undefined to create a fully autogenerated sidebar. |
sidebarCollapsible | boolean | true | 侧边栏类别是否默认可折叠。 See also Collapsible categories |
sidebarCollapsed | boolean | true | 侧边栏类别是否默认被折叠。 See also Expanded categories by default |
sidebarItemsGenerator | SidebarGenerator | Omitted | Function used to replace the sidebar items of type 'autogenerated' with real sidebar items (docs, categories, links...). See also Customize the sidebar items generator |
numberPrefixParser | boolean | PrefixParser | Omitted | 自定义从文件名中提取数字前缀的逻辑。 Use false to disable this behavior and leave the docs untouched, and true to use the default parser. See also Using number prefixes |
docLayoutComponent | string | '@theme/DocPage' | 每个文档页面的根布局组件。 提供了版本的数据 context,不会在切换文档时卸载。 |
docItemComponent | string | '@theme/DocItem' | 文档主容器,包括了目录、页面导航等。 |
docTagsListComponent | string | '@theme/DocTagsListPage' | 标签列表页的根组件 |
docTagDocListComponent | string | '@theme/DocTagDocListPage' | 「包含某标签的所有文档」页面的根组件。 |
docCategoryGeneratedIndexComponent | string | '@theme/DocCategoryGeneratedIndexPage' | 自动生成类别索引页的根组件。 |
remarkPlugins | any[] | [] | 传递给 MDX 的 Remark 插件。 |
rehypePlugins | any[] | [] | 传递给 MDX 的 Rehype 插件。 |
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins | any[] | [] | 在 Docusaurus 默认 Remark 插件之前传递给 MDX 的自定义 Remark 插件。 |
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins | any[] | [] | 在 Docusaurus 默认 Rehype 插件之前传递给 MDX 的自定义 Rehype 插件。 |
showLastUpdateAuthor | boolean | false | 是否显示最后更新文档的作者。 |
showLastUpdateTime | boolean | false | Whether to display the last date the doc was updated. |
breadcrumbs | boolean | true | 在文档页面上启用或禁用面包屑导航。 |
disableVersioning | boolean | false | 即使存在多个版本,也明确禁用分版功能。 这会让网站只包含当前版本。 Will error if includeCurrentVersion: false and disableVersioning: true . |
includeCurrentVersion | boolean | true | 包含文档的当前版本。 |
lastVersion | string | First version in versions.json | 文档类的导航栏项会默认显示并跳转到的文档版本。 |
onlyIncludeVersions | string[] | 所有版本 | 只包含所有可用版本中的一个子集。 |
versions | VersionsConfig | {} | 独立自定义每个版本的属性。 |
type EditUrlFunction = (params: {
version: string;
versionDocsDirPath: string;
docPath: string;
permalink: string;
locale: string;
}) => string | undefined;
type PrefixParser = (filename: string) => {
filename: string;
numberPrefix?: number;
type SidebarGenerator = (generatorArgs: {
/** The sidebar item with type "autogenerated" to be transformed. */
item: {type: 'autogenerated'; dirName: string};
/** Useful metadata for the version this sidebar belongs to. */
version: {contentPath: string; versionName: string};
/** All the docs of that version (unfiltered). */
docs: {
id: string;
title: string;
frontMatter: DocFrontMatter & Record<string, unknown>;
source: string;
sourceDirName: string;
sidebarPosition?: number | undefined;
/** Number prefix parser configured for this plugin. */
numberPrefixParser: PrefixParser;
/** The default category index matcher which you can override. */
isCategoryIndex: CategoryIndexMatcher;
* key is the path relative to the doc content directory, value is the
* category metadata file's content.
categoriesMetadata: {[filePath: string]: CategoryMetadata};
* Useful to re-use/enhance the default sidebar generation logic from
* Docusaurus.
defaultSidebarItemsGenerator: SidebarGenerator;
// Returns an array of sidebar items — same as what you can declare in
// sidebars.js, except for shorthands. See https://docusaurus.io/docs/sidebar/items
}) => Promise<SidebarItem[]>;
type CategoryIndexMatcher = (param: {
/** The file name, without extension */
fileName: string;
* The list of directories, from lowest level to highest.
* If there's no dir name, directories is ['.']
directories: string[];
/** The extension, with a leading dot */
extension: string;
}) => boolean;
type VersionConfig = {
* The base path of the version, will be appended to `baseUrl` +
* `routeBasePath`.
path?: string;
/** The label of the version to be used in badges, dropdowns, etc. */
label?: string;
/** The banner to show at the top of a doc of that version. */
banner?: 'none' | 'unreleased' | 'unmaintained';
/** Show a badge with the version label at the top of each doc. */
badge?: boolean;
/** Prevents search engines from indexing this version */
noIndex?: boolean;
/** Add a custom class name to the <html> element of each doc */
className?: string;
type VersionsConfig = {[versionName: string]: VersionConfig};
Example configuration
大多数 Docusaurus 用户通过预设选项配置此插件。
- 预设选项
- 插件选项
module.exports = {
presets: [
docs: {
path: 'docs',
breadcrumbs: true,
// Simple use-case: string editUrl
// editUrl: 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/edit/main/website/',
// Advanced use-case: functional editUrl
editUrl: ({versionDocsDirPath, docPath}) =>
editLocalizedFiles: false,
editCurrentVersion: false,
routeBasePath: 'docs',
include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.mdx'],
exclude: [
sidebarPath: 'sidebars.js',
async sidebarItemsGenerator({
}) {
// Use the provided data to generate a custom sidebar slice
return [
{type: 'doc', id: 'intro'},
type: 'category',
label: 'Tutorials',
items: [
{type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial1'},
{type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial2'},
numberPrefixParser(filename) {
// Implement your own logic to extract a potential number prefix
const numberPrefix = findNumberPrefix(filename);
// Prefix found: return it with the cleaned filename
if (numberPrefix) {
return {
filename: filename.replace(prefix, ''),
// No number prefix found
return {numberPrefix: undefined, filename};
docLayoutComponent: '@theme/DocPage',
docItemComponent: '@theme/DocItem',
remarkPlugins: [require('remark-math')],
rehypePlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins: [],
showLastUpdateAuthor: false,
showLastUpdateTime: false,
disableVersioning: false,
includeCurrentVersion: true,
lastVersion: undefined,
versions: {
current: {
label: 'Android SDK v2.0.0 (WIP)',
path: 'android-2.0.0',
banner: 'none',
'1.0.0': {
label: 'Android SDK v1.0.0',
path: 'android-1.0.0',
banner: 'unmaintained',
onlyIncludeVersions: ['current', '1.0.0', '2.0.0'],
module.exports = {
plugins: [
path: 'docs',
breadcrumbs: true,
// Simple use-case: string editUrl
// editUrl: 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/edit/main/website/',
// Advanced use-case: functional editUrl
editUrl: ({versionDocsDirPath, docPath}) =>
editLocalizedFiles: false,
editCurrentVersion: false,
routeBasePath: 'docs',
include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.mdx'],
exclude: [
sidebarPath: 'sidebars.js',
async sidebarItemsGenerator({
}) {
// Use the provided data to generate a custom sidebar slice
return [
{type: 'doc', id: 'intro'},
type: 'category',
label: 'Tutorials',
items: [
{type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial1'},
{type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial2'},
numberPrefixParser(filename) {
// Implement your own logic to extract a potential number prefix
const numberPrefix = findNumberPrefix(filename);
// Prefix found: return it with the cleaned filename
if (numberPrefix) {
return {
filename: filename.replace(prefix, ''),
// No number prefix found
return {numberPrefix: undefined, filename};
docLayoutComponent: '@theme/DocPage',
docItemComponent: '@theme/DocItem',
remarkPlugins: [require('remark-math')],
rehypePlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins: [],
showLastUpdateAuthor: false,
showLastUpdateTime: false,
disableVersioning: false,
includeCurrentVersion: true,
lastVersion: undefined,
versions: {
current: {
label: 'Android SDK v2.0.0 (WIP)',
path: 'android-2.0.0',
banner: 'none',
'1.0.0': {
label: 'Android SDK v1.0.0',
path: 'android-1.0.0',
banner: 'unmaintained',
onlyIncludeVersions: ['current', '1.0.0', '2.0.0'],
Markdown front matter
Markdown documents can use the following Markdown front matter metadata fields, enclosed by a line ---
on either side.
参数 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
id | string | 文件路径(包括文件夹,不含扩展名) | 文档的唯一 ID。 |
title | string | Markdown title or id | 你的文档使用的文本标题。 用于页面元数据和多个地方的备用值(侧边栏、下篇/上篇按钮……)。 如果 Markdown 内容没有标题,它会被自动添加到你的文档顶部。 |
pagination_label | string | sidebar_label or title | 这篇文档在上一篇/下一篇按钮中显示的文本 |
sidebar_label | string | title | 这篇文档在侧边栏中显示的文本 |
sidebar_position | number | 默认排序 | Controls the position of a doc inside the generated sidebar slice when using autogenerated sidebar items. See also Autogenerated sidebar metadata. |
sidebar_class_name | string | undefined | 在使用自动生成侧边栏时,给相应的侧边栏标签一个特殊类名。 |
sidebar_custom_props | object | undefined | Assign custom props to the sidebar item referencing this doc |
displayed_sidebar | string | undefined | Force the display of a given sidebar when browsing the current document. Read the multiple sidebars guide for details. |
hide_title | boolean | false | 是否隐藏文档顶部显示的标题。 此选项只会隐藏前言中定义的标题,对于 Markdown 文档顶部的标题没有任何影响。 |
hide_table_of_contents | boolean | false | 是否隐藏右侧的文档目录。 |
toc_min_heading_level | number | 2 | 目录中显示的最小标题层级。 必须介于 2 到 6 之间,并且小于等于最大值。 |
toc_max_heading_level | number | 3 | 目录中显示的最大标题层级。 必须介于 2 和 6。 |
pagination_next | string | null | 侧边栏的下一个文档 | 「下篇文档」按钮链接到的文档 ID。 Use null to disable showing "Next" for this page. |
pagination_prev | string | null | 侧边栏的上一个文档 | 「上篇文档」按钮链接到的文档 ID。 Use null to disable showing "Previous" for this page. |
parse_number_prefixes | boolean | numberPrefixParser plugin option | 是否禁用本文档的数字前缀解析。 See also Using number prefixes. |
custom_edit_url | string | Computed using the editUrl plugin option | 编辑此文档时要跳转到的 URL。 |
keywords | string[] | undefined | 用于搜索引擎优化的文档关键词元标签。 |
description | string | Markdown 正文的第一行 | The description of your document, which will become the <meta name="description" content="..."/> and <meta property="og:description" content="..."/> in <head> , used by search engines. |
image | string | undefined | 显示文档链接时所用的缩略图或封面。 |
slug | string | 文件路径 | Allows to customize the document URL (/<routeBasePath>/<slug> ). Support multiple patterns: slug: my-doc , slug: /my/path/myDoc , slug: / . |
tags | Tag[] | undefined | A list of strings or objects of two string fields label and permalink to tag to your docs. |
draft | boolean | false | 一个布尔值,表明文档处于未完成状态。 文档草稿只会在开发模式下显示。 |
last_update | FileChange | undefined | 允许覆盖最后更新的作者、日期。 Date can be any parsable date string. |
type Tag = string | {label: string; permalink: string};
type FileChange = {date: string; author: string};
id: doc-markdown
title: Docs Markdown Features
hide_title: false
hide_table_of_contents: false
sidebar_label: Markdown
sidebar_position: 3
pagination_label: Markdown features
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/edit/main/docs/api-doc-markdown.md
description: How do I find you when I cannot solve this problem
- docs
- docusaurus
image: https://i.imgur.com/mErPwqL.png
slug: /myDoc
date: 1/1/2000
author: custom author name
# Markdown Features
My Document Markdown content
Read the i18n introduction first.
Translation files location
- Base path:
- Multi-instance path:
- JSON files: extracted with
docusaurus write-translations
- Markdown files:
Example file-system structure
│ # translations for website/docs
├── current
│ ├── api
│ │ └── config.md
│ └── getting-started.md
├── current.json
│ # translations for website/versioned_docs/version-1.0.0
├── version-1.0.0
│ ├── api
│ │ └── config.md
│ └── getting-started.md
└── version-1.0.0.json