

此文档将教授您如何将现有的 Docusaurus 1 网站更新至 Docusaurus 2。


Main differences

Docusaurus 1 是一款纯静态站点生成器,服务端使用 React 作为模板引擎,但浏览器端不加载 React。

从零重构的 Docusaurus 2 生成单页应用,在浏览器中发挥 React 的全部潜能。 新版本可以让您深度定制,同时保留了 Docusaurus 1 的优点――易于上手、分版文档和 i18n。

Beyond that, Docusaurus 2 is a performant static site generator and can be used to create common content-driven websites (e.g. Documentation, Blogs, Product Landing and Marketing Pages, etc) extremely quickly.

虽然我们的重心仍是为您又快又好地呈现开发文档,但您也可以让 Docusaurus 2 如其他的 React 应用一般构建出任意类型的网站。 Docusaurus can now be used to build any website, not just documentation websites.

Docusaurus 1 structure

您的 Docusaurus 1 网站结构类似如下:

├── docs
└── website
├── blog
├── core
│ └── Footer.js
├── package.json
├── pages
├── sidebars.json
├── siteConfig.js
└── static

Docusaurus 2 structure

迁移后,您的 Docusaurus 2 网站结构类似如下:

├── docs
└── website
├── blog
├── src
│ ├── components
│ ├── css
│ └── pages
├── static
├── package.json
├── sidebars.json
├── docusaurus.config.js

This migration does not change the /docs folder location, but Docusaurus v2 sites generally have the /docs folder inside /website

You are free to put the /docs folder anywhere you want after having migrated to v2.

Migration process

您还需要迁移其他东西才能得到功能完善的 Docusaurus 2 网站:

  • 软件包
  • CLI 命令
  • 站点配置
  • Markdown 文件
  • 侧边栏文件
  • 页面、 组件和 CSS
  • 分版文档
  • i18n 支持🚧

Automated migration process

The migration CLI will handle many things of the migration for you.



We recommend running the migration CLI, and complete the missing parts thanks to the manual migration process.

Manual migration process


The manual migration guide will give you all the manual steps.


For any questions, you can ask in the #migration-v1-to-v2 Discord channel.

Feel free to tag @slorber in any migration PRs if you would like us to have a look.

We also have volunteers willing to help you migrate your v1 site.

Example migration PRs

You might want to refer to our migration PRs for Create React App and Flux as examples of how a migration for a basic Docusaurus v1 site can be done.