The Docusaurus core doesn't provide any feature of its own. All features are delegated to individual plugins: the docs feature provided by the docs plugin; the blog feature provided by the blog plugin; or individual pages provided by the pages plugin. 如果没有安装插件,站点就不会包含任何路径。
You may not need to install common plugins one-by-one though: they can be distributed as a bundle in a preset. 对于大多数用户来说,插件是通过预设选项来配置的。
We maintain a list of official plugins, but the community has also created some unofficial plugins. If you want to add any feature: autogenerating doc pages, executing custom scripts, integrating other services... be sure to check out the list: someone may have implemented it for you!
If you are feeling energetic, you can also read the plugin guide or plugin method references for how to make a plugin yourself.
Installing a plugin
插件通常为 npm 软件包,所以你可以像其他 npm 包一样安装。
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
- Bun
npm install --save docusaurus-plugin-name
yarn add docusaurus-plugin-name
pnpm add docusaurus-plugin-name
bun add docusaurus-plugin-name
Then you add it in your site's docusaurus.config.js
's plugins
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: ['@docusaurus/plugin-content-pages'],
Docusaurus 也可以从你的本地目录加载插件,只需要像这样填写:
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: ['./src/plugins/docusaurus-local-plugin'],
Configuring plugins
如果要声明选项,需要在配置里把名称和配置对象放在一个二元组中。 这种风格通常被称作 Babel 风格。
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
/* options */
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// Basic usage.
// With options object (babel style)
changefreq: 'weekly',
Multi-instance plugins and plugin IDs
所有的 Docusaurus 内容插件都可支持多个插件实例。 For example, it may be useful to have multiple docs plugin instances or multiple blogs. It is required to assign a unique ID to each plugin instance, and by default, the plugin ID is default
module.exports = {
plugins: [
id: 'docs-1',
// 其他选项
id: 'docs-2',
// 其他选项
At most one plugin instance can be the "default plugin instance", by omitting the id
attribute, or using id: 'default'
Using themes
主题和插件的加载方式完全相同。 From the consumer perspective, the themes
and plugins
entries are interchangeable when installing and configuring a plugin. The only nuance is that themes are loaded after plugins, and it's possible for a theme to override a plugin's default theme components.
The themes
and plugins
options lead to different shorthand resolutions, so if you want to take advantage of shorthands, be sure to use the right entry!
module.exports = {
// ...
themes: ['@docusaurus/theme-classic', '@docusaurus/theme-live-codeblock'],
Using presets
预设是插件及主题的合集。 For example, instead of letting you register and configure @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
, @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog
, etc. one after the other in the config file, we have @docusaurus/preset-classic
preset allows you to configure them in one centralized place.
The classic preset is shipped by default to new Docusaurus websites created with create-docusaurus
. 它包含了下列主题和插件:
module.exports = {
presets: [
// Debug defaults to true in dev, false in prod
debug: undefined,
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/theme-classic.
theme: {
customCss: [require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css')],
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs (false to disable)
docs: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog (false to disable)
blog: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-pages (false to disable)
pages: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-sitemap (false to disable)
sitemap: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-google-gtag (only enabled when explicitly specified)
gtag: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-google-tag-manager (only enabled when explicitly specified)
googleTagManager: {},
// DEPRECATED: Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-google-analytics (only enabled when explicitly specified)
googleAnalytics: {},
Installing presets
预设通常是一个 npm 包,所以你可以像其他包一样通过 npm 安装。
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
- Bun
npm install --save @docusaurus/preset-classic
yarn add @docusaurus/preset-classic
pnpm add @docusaurus/preset-classic
bun add @docusaurus/preset-classic
Then, add it in your site's docusaurus.config.js
's presets
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ['@docusaurus/preset-classic'],
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ['./src/presets/docusaurus-local-preset'],
Creating presets
A preset is a function with the same shape as the plugin constructor. It should return an object of { plugins: PluginConfig[], themes: PluginConfig[] }
, in the same as how they are accepted in the site config. 举个例子,你可以定义一个包含下列主题及插件的预设:
module.exports = function preset(context, opts = {}) {
return {
themes: [['docusaurus-theme-awesome', opts.theme]],
plugins: [
// Using three docs plugins at the same time!
// Assigning a unique ID for each without asking the user to do it
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {...opts.docs1, id: 'docs1'}],
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {...opts.docs2, id: 'docs2'}],
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {...opts.docs3, id: 'docs3'}],
然后在你的 Docusaurus 配置中,你可以转而设置使用上文所述的预设:
module.exports = {
presets: [
theme: {hello: 'world'},
docs1: {path: '/docs'},
docs2: {path: '/community'},
docs3: {path: '/api'},
module.exports = {
themes: [['docusaurus-theme-awesome', {hello: 'world'}]],
plugins: [
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {id: 'docs1', path: '/docs'}],
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {id: 'docs2', path: '/community'}],
['@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs', {id: 'docs3', path: '/api'}],
此方法非常适合需要整合某些插件及主题的情况。 你甚至可以把它们的选项关联在一起,比如把一个选项传递给多个插件。
Module shorthands
Docusaurus 支持插件、主题和预设的名称简写。 当它看到一个插件/主题/预设名称时,它会试图按照以下顺序加载其中一个:
where moduleType
is one of 'preset'
, 'theme'
, 'plugin'
, depending on which field the module name is declared in. 第一个找到的模块会被加载。
If the name is scoped (beginning with @
), the name is first split into scope and package name by the first slash:
scope (no name!)
^----^ ^-----^
scope name
^----^ ^----------^
scope name
If there is no name (like @jquery
), [scope]/docusaurus-[moduleType]
(i.e. @jquery/docusaurus-plugin
) is loaded. 否则,会尝试下列名称:
Below are some examples, for a plugin registered in the plugins
field. Note that unlike ESLint or Babel where a consistent naming convention for plugins is mandated, Docusaurus permits greater naming freedom, so the resolutions are not certain, but follows the priority defined above.
声明 | 可能被解析成 |
awesome | docusaurus-plugin-awesome |
sitemap | @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap |
@my-company | @my-company/docusaurus-plugin (the only possible resolution!) |
@my-company/awesome | @my-company/docusaurus-plugin-awesome |
@my-company/awesome/web | @my-company/docusaurus-plugin-awesome/web |