
📦 create-docusaurus

一个帮助你即刻搭建 Docusaurus 网站的工具。


npx create-docusaurus@latest [名称] [模板] [根目录]

The name argument will be used as the site's path as well as the name field in the created app's package.json. It can be an absolute path, or a path relative to rootDir.

The template argument can be one of the following:

  • classic: Uses the classic template (recommended)
  • facebook: Uses the Facebook/Meta template, which contains some Meta-specific setup
  • A git repo URL (beginning with https:// or git@), which can be cloned to the destination
  • 一个相对于 CWD 的本地文件路径,该文件夹会被复制到目标路径

The rootDir will be used to resolve the absolute path to the site directory. 默认为 CWD。


此命令最好在交互式 shell 中使用,确保所有功能都可以使用。


-t, --typescript

当模板参数是可识别的名称(classic, facebook 等)时使用。 Currently, only classic provides a TypeScript variant.

-g, --git-strategy

当模板参数是 git 仓库时使用。 它必须是下列之一:

  • deep: preserves full git history
  • shallow: clones with --depth=1
  • copy: does a shallow clone, but does not create a git repo
  • custom: enter your custom git clone command. 我们会在命令行问询具体内容。 You can write something like git clone --depth 10, and we will append the repository URL and destination directory.

-p, --package-manager

Value should be one of npm, yarn, pnpm, or bun. 如果没有明确提供,Docusaurus 会基于以下条件推断一个:

  • CWD 中已存在的 lock 文件(比如,如果你正在一个已有的项目中创建网站)
  • The command used to invoke create-docusaurus (e.g. npm init, npx, yarn create, bunx, etc.)
  • 如果所有线索都不存在,可以通过交互式输入提供

-s, --skip-install

如果提供了这一选项,Docusaurus 将不会在创建项目后自动安装依赖项。 The --package-manager option is only useful when you are actually installing dependencies.