📦 plugin-sitemap
This plugin is always inactive in development and only active in production because it works on the build output.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
- Bun
npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap
yarn add @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap
pnpm add @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap
bun add @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap
If you use the preset @docusaurus/preset-classic
, you don't need to install this plugin as a dependency.
You can configure this plugin through the preset options.
参数 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
lastmod | 'date' | 'datetime' | null | null | date is YYYY-MM-DD. datetime is a ISO 8601 datetime. null is disabled. See sitemap docs. |
changefreq | string | null | 'weekly' | See sitemap docs |
priority | number | null | 0.5 | See sitemap docs |
ignorePatterns | string[] | [] | 一列 glob 模式。匹配成功的路径不会出现在站点地图中。 注意你可能要在这里加上 base URL。 |
filename | string | sitemap.xml | 创建的站点地图的路径,相对于输出目录。 如果你有两个插件实例输出两个文件,会很有用。 |
: results in no sitemap generatedtrailingSlash
: determines if the URLs in the sitemap have trailing slashes
The lastmod
option will only output a sitemap <lastmod>
tag if plugins provide route metadata attributes sourceFilePath
and/or lastUpdatedAt
All the official content plugins provide the metadata for routes backed by a content file (Markdown, MDX or React page components), but it is possible third-party plugin authors do not provide this information, and the plugin will not be able to output a <lastmod>
tag for their routes.
Example configuration
大多数 Docusaurus 用户通过预设选项配置此插件。
- 预设选项
- 插件选项
module.exports = {
presets: [
sitemap: {
lastmod: 'date',
changefreq: 'weekly',
priority: 0.5,
ignorePatterns: ['/tags/**'],
filename: 'sitemap.xml',
module.exports = {
plugins: [
lastmod: 'date',
changefreq: 'weekly',
priority: 0.5,
ignorePatterns: ['/tags/**'],
filename: 'sitemap.xml',
You can find your sitemap at /sitemap.xml