

Create a Markdown file, greeting.md, and place it under the docs directory.

website # 你的网站的根目录
├── docs
│ └── greeting.md
├── src
│ └── pages
├── docusaurus.config.js
├── ...
description: Create a doc page with rich content.

# Hello from Docusaurus

Are you ready to create the documentation site for your open source project?

## Headers

will show up on the table of contents on the upper right

So that your users will know what this page is all about without scrolling down or even without reading too much.

## Only h2 and h3 will be in the TOC by default.

You can configure the TOC heading levels either per-document or in the theme configuration.

The headers are well-spaced so that the hierarchy is clear.

- lists will help you
- present the key points
- that you want your users to remember
- and you may nest them
- multiple times

All files prefixed with an underscore (_) under the docs directory are treated as "partial" pages and will be ignored by default.

Read more about importing partial pages.

Doc front matter

The front matter is used to provide additional metadata for your doc page. 前言是可选的——Docusaurus 能够自行推断所有必要的元数据,无需前言。 For example, the doc tags feature introduced below requires using front matter. For all possible fields, see the API documentation.

Doc tags

Optionally, you can add tags to your doc pages, which introduces another dimension of categorization in addition to the docs sidebar. 在文档导言中,像这么声明一个标签列表:

id: doc-with-tags
title: 一篇包含标签的文档
- 演示
- 开始上手

Tags can also be declared with tags: [Demo, Getting started].

Read more about all the possible Yaml array syntaxes.

Organizing folder structure

How the Markdown files are arranged under the docs folder can have multiple impacts on Docusaurus content generation. 然而,其中绝大多数可以与文件结构脱钩。

Document ID

Every document has a unique id. By default, a document id is the name of the document (without the extension) relative to the root docs directory.

For example, the ID of greeting.md is greeting, and the ID of guide/hello.md is guide/hello.

website # 你的网站的根目录
└── docs
├── greeting.md
└── guide
└── hello.md

However, the last part of the id can be defined by the user in the front matter. For example, if guide/hello.md's content is defined as below, its final id is guide/part1.

id: part1

Lorem ipsum

当手写侧边栏,或这使用与文档相关的布局或钩子时,ID 会被用来指代某篇文档。

Doc URLs

By default, a document's URL location is its file path relative to the docs folder, with a few exceptions. 也就是说,如果一个文件被命名为以下任意一个,文件名将不会被包含在 URL中:

  • Named as index (case-insensitive): docs/Guides/index.md
  • Named as README (case-insensitive): docs/Guides/README.mdx
  • Same name as parent folder: docs/Guides/Guides.md

In all cases, the default slug would only be /Guides, without the /index, /README, or duplicate /Guides segment.


This convention is exactly the same as the category index convention. However, the isCategoryIndex configuration does not affect the document URL.

Use the slug front matter to change a document's URL.


website # 你的网站的根目录
└── docs
└── guide
└── hello.md

By default hello.md will be available at /docs/guide/hello. You can change its URL location to /docs/bonjour:

slug: /bonjour

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slug will be appended to the doc plugin's routeBasePath, which is /docs by default. See Docs-only mode for how to remove the /docs part from the URL.



  • absolute slugs: slug: /mySlug, slug: /...
  • relative slugs: slug: mySlug, slug: ./../mySlug...

If you want a document to be available at the root, and have a path like https://docusaurus.io/docs/, you can use the slug front matter:

id: my-home-doc
slug: /

Lorem ipsum

When using autogenerated sidebars, the file structure will determine the sidebar structure.

Our recommendation for file system organization is: make your file system mirror the sidebar structure (so you don't need to handwrite your sidebars.js file), and use the slug front matter to customize URLs of each document.