除了基本的 Markdown 语法, 我们还有一种特殊的告示语法。它用 3 个连续的冒号包裹文本,然后紧跟着一个表示其类型的文本标签。
Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Usage with Prettier
If you use Prettier to format your Markdown files, Prettier might auto-format your code to invalid admonition syntax. 要避免这个问题,你可以在开始和结束的 :::
周围空出一行。 这也是为什么我们这里的例子在内容两端都有空行。
<!-- Prettier doesn't change this -->
Hello world
<!-- Prettier changes this -->
Hello world
<!-- to this -->
::: note Hello world:::
Specifying title
:::note[Your Title **with** some _Markdown_ `syntax`!]
Some **content** with some _Markdown_ `syntax`.
!Some content with some Markdown syntax
Nested admonitions
告示可以嵌套。 Use more colons :
for each parent admonition level.
Parent content
Child content
:::tip[Deep Child]
Deep child content
Parent content
Child content
Deep child content
Admonitions with MDX
你也可以在告示中使用 MDX!
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
:::tip[Use tabs in admonitions]
<TabItem value="apple" label="Apple">This is an apple 🍎</TabItem>
<TabItem value="orange" label="Orange">This is an orange 🍊</TabItem>
<TabItem value="banana" label="Banana">This is a banana 🍌</TabItem>
- Apple
- Orange
- Banana
Usage in JSX
Outside of Markdown, you can use the @theme/Admonition
component to get the same output.
import Admonition from '@theme/Admonition';
export default function MyReactPage() {
return (
<Admonition type="info">
<p>Some information</p>
The types that are accepted are the same as above: note
, tip
, danger
, info
, warning
. 你也可以选择性地以 JSX 元素或者字符串的形式指定一个图标或者一个标题:
<Admonition type="tip" icon="💡" title="Did you know...">
Use plugins to introduce shorter syntax for the most commonly used JSX
elements in your project.
Use plugins to introduce shorter syntax for the most commonly used JSX elements in your project.
Customizing admonitions
There are two kinds of customizations possible with admonitions: parsing and rendering.
Customizing rendering behavior
You can customize how each individual admonition type is rendered through swizzling. 一般只需要一个简单的包装组件就可以达到想要的效果。 For example, in the follow example, we swap out the icon for info
admonitions only.
import React from 'react';
import Admonition from '@theme-original/Admonition';
import MyCustomNoteIcon from '@site/static/img/info.svg';
export default function AdmonitionWrapper(props) {
if (props.type !== 'info') {
return <Admonition title="My Custom Admonition Title" {...props} />;
return <Admonition icon={<MyCustomNoteIcon />} {...props} />;
Customizing parsing behavior
Admonitions are implemented with a Remark plugin. 这个插件被设计为可配置的。 To customize the Remark plugin for a specific content plugin (docs, blog, pages), pass the options through the admonitions
export default {
presets: [
docs: {
admonitions: {
keywords: ['note', 'tip', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'],
extendDefaults: true,
The plugin accepts the following options:
: An array of keywords that can be used as the type for the admonition.extendDefaults
: Should the provided options (such askeywords
) be merged into the existing defaults. Defaults totrue
The keyword
will be passed as the type
prop of the Admonition
Custom admonition type components
By default, the theme doesn't know what do to with custom admonition keywords such as :::my-custom-admonition
. It is your responsibility to map each admonition keyword to a React component so that the theme knows how to render them.
If you registered a new admonition type my-custom-admonition
via the following config:
export default {
// ...
presets: [
// ...
docs: {
admonitions: {
keywords: ['my-custom-admonition'],
extendDefaults: true,
You can provide the corresponding React component for :::my-custom-admonition
by creating the following file (unfortunately, since it's not a React component file, it's not swizzlable):
import React from 'react';
import DefaultAdmonitionTypes from '@theme-original/Admonition/Types';
function MyCustomAdmonition(props) {
return (
<div style={{border: 'solid red', padding: 10}}>
<h5 style={{color: 'blue', fontSize: 30}}>{props.title}</h5>
const AdmonitionTypes = {
// Add all your custom admonition types here...
// You can also override the default ones if you want
'my-custom-admonition': MyCustomAdmonition,
export default AdmonitionTypes;
Now you can use your new admonition keyword in a Markdown file, and it will be parsed and rendered with your custom logic:
:::my-custom-admonition[My Title]
It works!
My Title
It works!