
📦 logger


我们鼓励 Docusaurus 生态系统中的包作者用这个包提供统一的日志格式。


It exports a single object as default export: logger. logger has the following properties:

  • 一些有用的颜色。
    • red
    • yellow
    • green
    • bold
    • dim
  • 格式化器。 These functions all have the signature (msg: unknown) => string. 请注意,我们不对它们的具体实现作保证。 你只应关心它们的语义。
    • path: formats a file path.
    • url: formats a URL.
    • name: formats an identifier.
    • code: formats a code snippet.
    • subdue: subdues the text.
    • num: formats a number.
  • The interpolate function. 这是一个模板字符串标签。 具体语法请见后文。
  • 输出函数。 All logging functions can both be used as normal functions (similar to the console.log family, but only accepts one parameter) or template literal tags.
    • info: prints information.
    • warn: prints a warning that should be paid attention to.
    • error: prints an error (not necessarily halting the program) that signals significant problems.
    • success: prints a success message.
  • The report function. It takes a ReportingSeverity value (ignore, log, warn, throw) and reports a message according to the severity.
A word on the error formatter

Beware that an error message, even when it doesn't hang the program, is likely going to cause confusion. When users inspect logs and find an [ERROR], even when the build succeeds, they will assume something is going wrong. 尽量少使用它。

Docusaurus only uses logger.error when printing messages immediately before throwing an error, or when user has set the reporting severity of onBrokenLink, etc. to "error".

In addition, warn and error will color the entire message for better attention. If you are printing large blocks of help text about an error, better use logger.info.


模板字符串标签会解析模板和其中嵌入的表达式。 interpolate returns a new string, while other logging functions prints it. 以下是一个典型用例:

import logger from '@docusaurus/logger';

logger.info`Hello name=${name}! You have number=${money} dollars. Here are the ${
items.length > 1 ? 'items' : 'item'
} on the shelf: ${items}
To buy anything, enter code=${'buy x'} where code=${'x'} is the item's name; to quit, press code=${'Ctrl + C'}.`;

An embedded expression is optionally preceded by a flag in the form [a-z]+= (a few lowercase letters, followed by an equals sign, directly preceding the embedded expression). 如果表达式前面没有任何标志,它会按原样打印。 否则,它会被用下列的格式化器之一格式化:

  • path=: path
  • url=: url
  • name=: name
  • code=: code
  • subdue=: subdue
  • number=: num

If the expression is an array, it's formatted by `\n- ${array.join('\n- ')}\n` (note it automatically gets a leading line end). 列表的每个元素都会被独立格式化,开头的横杠不会被格式化。 所以上面的消息会被打印成:

Some text output in the terminal, containing array, code, name, and number formatting