📦 plugin-client-redirects
Docusaurus Plugin to generate client-side redirects.
这个插件会在你的静态网站中写入额外的 HTML 页面,通过 JavaScript 将用户重定向到已有的 Docusaurus 页面。
This plugin is always inactive in development and only active in production because it works on the build output.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
- Bun
npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects
yarn add @docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects
pnpm add @docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects
bun add @docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects
选项 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
fromExtensions | string[] | [] | 重定向后从路径中去除的扩展名。 |
toExtensions | string[] | [] | 重定向后添加到路径中的扩展名。 |
redirects | RedirectRule[] | [] | 重定向规则列表。 |
createRedirects | CreateRedirectsFn | undefined | 用于创建重定向规则的回调。 Docusaurus 会用每一个它创建的路径来调用这个回调,然后用它的返回值来输出更多路径。 |
This plugin will also read the siteConfig.onDuplicateRoutes
config to adjust its logging level when multiple files will be emitted to the same location.
type RedirectRule = {
to: string;
from: string | string[];
"From" 和 "to" 的概念是这个插件的核心。 "From" means a path that you want to create, i.e. an extra HTML file that will be written; "to" means a path to want to redirect to, usually a route that Docusaurus already knows about.
这就是为什么你可以对于同一个 "to" 有多个 "from":我们会创建多个 HTML 文件,它们全部重定向到同一个目标。 另一方面,一个 "from" 永远不会有多于一个 "to":写入的 HTML 文件必须有唯一确定的目标。
// The parameter `path` is a route that Docusaurus has already created. It can
// be seen as the "to", and your return value is the "from". Returning a falsy
// value will not create any redirect pages for this particular path.
type CreateRedirectsFn = (path: string) => string[] | string | null | undefined;
Example configuration
export default {
plugins: [
fromExtensions: ['html', 'htm'], // /myPage.html -> /myPage
toExtensions: ['exe', 'zip'], // /myAsset -> /myAsset.zip (if latter exists)
redirects: [
// /docs/oldDoc -> /docs/newDoc
to: '/docs/newDoc',
from: '/docs/oldDoc',
// Redirect from multiple old paths to the new path
to: '/docs/newDoc2',
from: ['/docs/oldDocFrom2019', '/docs/legacyDocFrom2016'],
createRedirects(existingPath) {
if (existingPath.includes('/community')) {
// Redirect from /docs/team/X to /community/X and /docs/support/X to /community/X
return [
existingPath.replace('/community', '/docs/team'),
existingPath.replace('/community', '/docs/support'),
return undefined; // Return a falsy value: no redirect created