
i18n - 简介

It is easy to translate a Docusaurus website with its internationalization (i18n) support.


It is important to understand the design decisions behind the Docusaurus i18n support.

For more context, you can read the initial RFC and PR.

i18n goals

Docusaurus i18n 系统旨在:

  • Simple: just put the translated files in the correct filesystem location
  • Flexible translation workflows: use Git (monorepo, forks, or submodules), SaaS software, FTP
  • Flexible deployment options: single, multiple domains, or hybrid
  • Modular: allow plugin authors to provide i18n support
  • Low-overhead runtime: documentation is mostly static and does not require heavy JS libraries or polyfills
  • Scalable build-times: allow building and deploying localized sites independently
  • Localize assets: an image of your site might contain text that should be translated
  • No coupling: not forced to use any SaaS, yet integrations are possible
  • Easy to use with Crowdin: a lot of Docusaurus v1 sites use Crowdin and should be able to migrate to v2
  • Good SEO defaults: we set useful SEO headers like hreflang for you
  • RTL support: locales reading right-to-left (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) are supported and easy to implement
  • Default translations: classic theme labels are translated for you in many languages

i18n non-goals


  • Automatic locale detection: opinionated, and best done on the server (your hosting provider)
  • Translation SaaS software: you are responsible to understand the external tools of your choice
  • Translation of slugs: technically complicated, little SEO value

Translation workflow


以下是创建翻译版 Docusaurus 站点的主要流程:

  1. Configure: declare the default locale and alternative locales in docusaurus.config.js
  2. Translate: put the translation files at the correct filesystem location
  3. Deploy: build and deploy your site using a single or multi-domain strategy

Translation files


Markdown files

这是你的 Docusaurus 网站的主要内容。

Markdown 和 MDX 文档会被统一翻译,而不会把每个句子分割成独立的字符串,以保证翻译语境正确。

JSON files

JSON 用于翻译:

  • Your React code: standalone React pages in src/pages, or other components
  • Layout labels provided through themeConfig: navbar, footer
  • 通过插件选项提供的布局文本:文档侧边栏菜单标签,博客侧边栏标题等

The JSON format used is called Chrome i18n:

"myTranslationKey1": {
"message": "已翻译的信息 1",
"description": "myTranslationKey1 用于主页"
"myTranslationKey2": {
"message": "已翻译的信息2",
"description": "myTranslationKey2 用于 FAQ 页"


Data files

某些插件可能会读取外部数据文件,这些数据文件会被整体翻译。 For example, the blog plugin uses an authors.yml file that can be translated by creating a copy under i18n/[locale]/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/authors.yml.

Translation files location


Each locale and plugin has its own i18n subfolder:


For multi-instance plugins, the path is website/i18n/[locale]/[pluginName]-[pluginId]/....

把一个简单的 Docusaurus 网站翻译成简体中文,会产生如下的网站结构:

└── fr
├── code.json # 所有 React 代码里的文本标签
# 也包括主题代码里的文本
├── docusaurus-plugin-content-blog # 博客插件需要的翻译数据
│ └── 2020-01-01-hello.md

├── docusaurus-plugin-content-docs # 文档插件需要的翻译数据
│ ├── current
│ │ ├── doc1.md
│ │ └── doc2.mdx
│ └── current.json

└── docusaurus-theme-classic # 经典主题需要的翻译数据
├── footer.json # 页脚主题配置对应的文本
└── navbar.json # 导航栏主题配置对应的文本

The JSON files are initialized with the docusaurus write-translations CLI command. Each plugin sources its own translated content under the corresponding folder, while the code.json file defines all text labels used in the React code.

Each content plugin or theme is different, and defines its own translation files location: